Sunday, May 24, 2015


It is amazing to me that sometimes you find you can do something you were never good at. In my case it was writing a poem. I challenge each of you to try writing a poem about your child who died, how you feel, what you hope for, what you miss, or whatever flows from your heart. I think you will find it a challenging but useful activity during your grief journey. Here is one of the few poems I have written dedicated to my daughter Marcy that can be found in my second book on surviving grief.


As I look up to the sky,
a bright star shines down.
I feel it is you smiling at me,  
telling me it is okay for me to laugh,
it is okay for me to be happy again.
I'm trying, I tell you.
It is not an easy road to travel
when you have lost the most
important thing in your life.
But my heart is full with love
from a wonderful man and many friends,
And, of course, I feel your love surround me
on this chilly December day.
It warms my heart and my body as always.
I keep busy and try to make a difference
in this world by helping others.
I do it for you, in your memory,
and I find it is a wonderful feeling.
I know you used to do it also,
You used to help close friends
and even strangers.
I look around me and see young people
enjoying the outdoors, running, playing, 
wishing for a good snowfall.
I hear their laughter and their good wishes.
I know there is hope for a better 
world when I look into their eyes.
I wish I could share everything I say
and do with you, as I used to.
I miss you so much, 
my beautiful daughter.
I think of you every minute of every 
day and always will.
I want you to know, though,
that I was always a survivor,and will continue to be one
both for you and for me.
I love you, always and forever.


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